HC Deb 20 November 1946 vol 430 cc858-9
62. Mr. Walter Fletcher

asked the Minister of Food the figures of export of rice from Siam for July, August, September and October.

Mr. Strachey

The figures are: 4,3,426 tons in July, 34,359 tons in August, 27,461 tons in September, and 37,781 tons in October.

Mr. Fletcher

Is the Minister aware that this average is considerably below that of the previous six months and entirely belies the Minister's optimistic statement that there would be an improvement? Is he also aware that failure to mobilise this rice has led to disaster in Malaya and starvation and distress throughout the whole Far East?

Mr. Strachey

I am intensely aware of the importance of Siamese rice, and urgent consultations are going on between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States on the matter at this moment. The failure is the failure of the Siamese Government, but it is most important to try to induce or persuade them to overcome their failure.

Mr. Driberg

May we take it that none of this rice is going to countries which do not ration rice?

Mr. Strachey

I should need notice of that question, but the much greater part of it is going to neighbouring countries in the British Commonwealth and Empire, which do ration rice.

Mr. Nicholson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the real failure lies with His Majesty's Government in their insistence in purchasing the rice only through the Siamese Government, and that if they had gone to the producers they would have obtained hundreds of thousands of tons of rice?

Mr. Strachey

There has been no such insistence, and that is not a factor in the situation at all.

Mr. Fletcher

In view of the very unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.