HC Deb 20 November 1946 vol 430 c832
15. Colonel Gomme-Duncan

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether Errol aerodrome was considered by the R.A.F. to be suitable for all types of aircraft, both from the point of view of weather conditions and absence of high-tension cables or other obstacles; and what special in structions were issued to pilots using this aerodrome.

The Under-Secretary of State for Air (Mr. Geoffrey de Freitas)

We considered this airfield suitable for twin-engined and single-engined aircraft, and it was used for flying training. Weather conditions are average for the district. There are no serious obstructions, provided normal care is taken. I am not aware of any special instructions having been issued to pilots who have used this airfield, but routine briefing would, of course, have taken account of local conditions.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Will the Under-Secretary say what he means by "conditions average for the district," and is he aware that there is a high tension cable which goes most of the way around this aerodrome?

Mr. de Freitas

As to the conditions, there is a good deal of low mist and haze in that region of the country. With regard to the second point, there is a high tension cable a mile away, but that does not alter in any way the answer I gave.