HC Deb 19 November 1946 vol 430 cc694-5
Mr. Bowles

After the second Division yesterday some unopposed Business was taken, namely, the setting up of a Committee of several hon. Members to report on Statutory Rules and Orders. My name appeared on the Order Paper and also in the Votes and Proceedings of yesterday as one of those appointed to that committee, but I have noticed that it is not in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Last week, I was misrepresented on the Order Paper by being classed with certain hon. Gentlemen opposite; now my name has been omitted altogether and for a politician to be ignored is horrible. I have been looking at the matter and find that the first four names on the Order Paper, those of the hon. Member for East Islington (Mr. Eric Fletcher), the hon. Member for North Islington (Dr. Haden Guest) and the hon. and learned Member for North Aberdeen (Mr. Hector Hughes), which followed my own have also been omitted from the HANSARD report.

Mr. Speaker

They are in the Votes and, of course, the Vote Paper is correct. I cannot imagine why they are omitted from HANSARD, and can only apologise for it and stand again in a white sheet. HANSARD is not authentic; the Vote Paper is the authentic record.

Mr. Maurice Webb

I should be obliged for your Ruling and advice, Mr. Speaker, on a personal matter in which I find myself in rather an embarrassing and annoying position. This morning when I read the Division Lists in the OFFICIAL REPORT I found, to my great surprise, that my name was not included among those who voted in the first Division yesterday against the Motion moved by the hon. Member for East Coventry (Mr. Cross-man). I find myself, against my will and wishes, among the abstentionists, which is a rather embarrassing position to be in. I do not quite know how it arose but, as you are aware, persons in this House with physical disabilities are, by long custom, forgiven the labour of going through the Lobby and are permitted to vote by proxy so long as they prove their presence in the House. I was here last night and undertook all I am required to undertake in that connection. I was quite visible and, on more than one occasion, even articulate, and the right hon. Member for Blaydon (Mr. Whiteley) undertook to register my vote in that Division on my behalf. I gather that he did pass in my name although it is not on the list. I would like my constituents to know where I stood on this matter, and should welcome your advice. Is it impossible for my name to be added to the voting list now, or is there any other way in which it could be officially recorded that I was against this particular Amendment?

Mr. Speaker

I am afraid it is quite impossible now for the name to be added By some mischance it was not given in at the Table, and I think it will be understood that when a Division is over one cannot possibly add or delete names since one does not know whether the hon. Members concerned were even in the House I thought this was the best way of raising the matter because now the hon. Member has made it perfectly clear that a mistake was made and which way he would have voted. It has gone down in HANSARD, and I think it will no doubt be on record for the sake of his constituents.

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