HC Deb 18 November 1946 vol 430 c495
11. Mr. F. Noel-Baker

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what was the result of British representations to the Spanish Government for the extradition of Degrelle from Spain; and where Degrelle now is.

Mr. Mayhew

I regret that the Spanish Government did not see fit to respond favourably to the representations repeatedly made to them by His Majesty's Government, in support of the Belgian Government, urging that Degrelle should either be handed over to the Belgian authorities or, since he had arrived in Spain in German uniform, be sent to Germany along with those Germans who were being repatriated from Spain. Instead, the Spanish Government stated in August last that they had decided simply to expel Degrelle from Spain, and that he had left Spanish territory. It is not known where Degrelle is at present. Repeated inquiries by His Majesty's Ambassador in Madrid have failed to elicit any information from the Spanish Government.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that Degrelle was, in fact, released in Spain, and that five minutes after his official release he was picked up by a car full of members of the Falange organisation, and that there is every indication that he is still in Spain? What further pressure are His Majesty's Government able to bring to bear on the Spanish Government to get this quisling repatriated?

Mr. Mayhew

His Majesty's Government are seriously disturbed by this question. We have made repeated representations. We have not given up the attempt to trace Degrelle, and, as my answer indicates, we are still actively pursuing this question.

Mr. Wilson Harris

Will the hon. Gentleman recall a similar instance that arose in 1918, when a gentleman named Wilhelm took refuge in Holland, and was left there?