HC Deb 22 May 1946 vol 423 cc405-6

7.45 p.m.

Mr. Lindgren

I beg to move, in page 77, line 38, column 2, to leave out "5s. 9d." and to insert "6s. 2d."

This is one of a series of Amendments on the Paper in connection with the Amendment in regard to self-employed persons. That Amendment would entitle those persons to sick pay upon the same conditions as the normally employed persons. I will give the actual figures of cost. It is estimated that the cost of this concession will be £3,250,000, of which £2,250,000 will come from the contributions of contributors and a further£1,000,000 from the Treasury.

I would add a word to correct an impression which might have been received by the Committee from something said by the hon. Member for St. Ives (Mr. Beechman) to the effect that the self-employed person was not being treated as generously as other employed persons. The fact will be that all persons will be treated on exactly the same basis. whether normally employed or self-employed. I would further point out that the majority of self-employed persons will be of late age entrance into insurance by virtue of the fact that they have been excluded from insurance up to the present time. Their inclusion on normal conditions, at normal rates and with the normal Treasury grant is a very considerable concession to them. I feel sure that the Committee will agree with the Amendments as set out.

Mr. Butler

I regard this matter as having been fully discussed under the heading of the self-employed person. It only remains for me to repeat that the contributions are exceedingly high. I draw attention to that matter, but in view of the Minister's concession that may be inevitable. In regard to the remarks which fell from the Parliamentary Secretary, I must remind him that it is not until the self-employed person received this extra money that they came nearer the grant of Exchequer supplement received by other persons. Even in regard to the Exchequer supplement the self-employed persons are not as well treated as the others. I am obliged to the Government for moving these Amendments to carry out their undertaking.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made:

In page 77, line 38, column 3, leave out "6s. 1d.," and insert "6s. 6d."

In page 77, In line 41, column 2, leave out "4s. 10d.," and insert "5s. 1d."

In page 77, In line 41, column 3, leave out 5s. 2d.," and insert 5s. 5d."

In page 77, In line 42, column 2, leave out" 3s "4d.," and insert "3s. 7d."

In page 77, In line 42, column 3, leave out "3s. 6d.," and insert "3s. 9d."

In page 77, In line 43, column 2, leave out "2s. 11d.," and insert "35. 1d."

In page 77, In line 43, column 3, leave out "3s. 1d.," and insert "3s. 3d."

In page 78, line 20, column 4, leave out "1s.," and insert "1s, 1d."

In page 78, In line 22, column 4, leave out "10d.," and insert "11d, "—[Mr. Lindgren.]

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.