HC Deb 28 March 1946 vol 421 cc549-50
32. Mr. Turton

asked the Minister of Health what was the reason for the delay in not placing in the Library of the House before 21st March, 1946, the Interim Report of the Rural Housing Sub-Commit- tee of the Central Housing Advisory Committee which was signed on 18th January, 1946.

Mr. Bevan

This Interim Report is very brief and deals with only one aspect of the problem. Arrangements were made to place it in the Library as soon as a request was made.

Mr. Turton

Is the Minister aware that, such is the secrecy about this Report, hon. Members have applied to both the Vote Office and the Ministry of Health and have been told that no copies are available?

Mr. Bevan

I am told that there is a copy in the Library. There is no secrecy about it, and its contents are well known to the most vocal hon. Members on the other side.

Mr. R. S. Hudson

Why did the right hon. Gentleman wait until he was asked, because he gave a definite promise in the course of the Debate?

Mr. Bevan

Because the Report is extremely brief, and it seems to me to be quite unnecessary to circulate what really amounts to two or three paragraphs. There is not the slightest desire to have any secrecy on this matter, and that is why it was placed in the Library, but if hon. Members insist on publication and general distribution, I am perfectly prepared to do it.

Captain Crookshank

Well, do it.