HC Deb 27 March 1946 vol 421 c361
18. Mr. William Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies why the Government of Trinidad has abolished the Excess Profits Tax, although the Budget shows a substantial deficit.

Mr. georģe Hall

There was strong feeling in Trinidad against the continuance of this tax in local conditions. While it is true that the Budget shows a small deficit, I am confident that the Legislature is fully alive to this and will give its attention to alternative sources of revenue.

Mr. Williams

On whose part was there this strong feeling on this matter—the employers or the ordinary people in the island?

Mr. Hall

It was generally felt and represented to us through the Legislature that this tax should cease.

Mr. W. J. Brown

May we hope, and can the Colonial Secretary give, us any hope, that the home Government will shortly follow this praiseworthy example?

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