HC Deb 26 March 1946 vol 421 c179
12. Mr. M. MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what progress has been made in the discussions between the other Government Departments and the Scottish Office for the earlier commencement of public works schemes in the Outer Isles; and what part is to be taken by the Department of Agriculture for Scotland in future in connection with road works.

Mr. Westwood

Discussions are taking place between the Departments concerned regarding the employment position in Lewis and Harris. As recently announced by my right hon. Friend, the Minister of War Transport, road schemes at a total estimated cost of £75,000 have been approved and will be carried out at an early date, and the possibility of undertaking further measures is being examined. As regards the second part of the Question, increased provision is being made on the Vote of the Department of Agriculture for Scotland in the forthcoming financial year for grants for public works in the Congested Districts.

Mr. MacMillan

While I thank my right hon. Friend for his part in these discussions, and in the proposed schemes in certain places, may I ask him to bear in mind also the Islands of Barra and the Uists, as well as Lewis and Harris? There are many other islands in the Hebrides as well as the main Islands.

Mr. Westwood

I certainly will.

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