HC Deb 21 March 1946 vol 420 cc2034-5
61. Captain Peart

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will take steps to exempt miners from having to pay purchase tax on lamps that axe used in connection with their work.

Mr. Dalton

Miners' safety lamps are specifically exempted from purchase tax. As regards other types of lamps my hon. and gallant Friend will not expect me to anticipate my Budget Statement.

Captain Peart

Would my right hon. Friend give sympathetic consideration to this question of acetylene lamps required by miners in their work? I am sure it would give satisfaction to the miners, and I know that my right hon. Friend is-anxious to do that. Further, is he aware of a communication on the same subject which has been sent to him by the President of the National Union of Mine-workers?

Mr. Dalton

1 will always give sympathetic consideration to any matter affecting the miners.