HC Deb 21 March 1946 vol 420 cc2025-7
38. Mr. Leslie

asked the Minister of Health how medical committees are selected to deal with the calling up of doctors to the Services; and what action do they take to provide substitutes to fill the places of doctors called up, especially in cases where numerous panel patients have to be catered for.

Mr. Bevan

The committees to which my hon. Friend refers are the Central and Local Medical War Committees. A description of their method of selection requires a lengthy statement, which I am sending my hon. Friend. Clearly no system of call-up could be based upon an obligation to find substitutes for all per sons called up under it, and it is not the duty of the committees to do so. It is their function, however, to endeavour to arrange their recommendations for call-up in such a way as to cause the least practicable interference with urgent civil requirements.

Mr. Leslie

May I ask if these medical committees have any knowledge of local conditions, and if they have, why do they allow a young doctor in Grade B to be called up and leave another, doctor with nearly 7,000 patients? Surely a substitute should be sent if the local assistant is called into the Services.

Mr. Bevan

I am informed that the committees concerned make the most thorough investigation into local circum stances before action is taken and in these matters I have to act upon the advice of the committees.

Mr. Stephen

Will the Minister publish in Hansard tomorrow the statement which he has promised to send to the hon. Member?


I will consider that.

Mr. Leslie

Is the Minister aware that with regard to this case, I have already approached the Minister of Labour, the Minister of Health and the War Office, and that nothing has been done? Here is a doctor with nearly 7,000 patients to look after—an impossible task.

Mr. Bevan

I do not know that the hon. Member has called the case to my attention yet, but if he does so I will investigate the matter. I can hardly be expected to pronounce upon a particular case the details and locality of which have not been mentioned except in a supplementary question.

Mr. Leslie

Two letters on the subject have already been sent to the Minister of Health.

Following is the information:

Central Medical War Committee

The total membership is 51 made up as follows:

Thirteen representatives of the British Medical Association comprising certain officers and chairmen of Committees.

Nine additional practitioners.

Two representatives of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Two representatives of the Royal College of Physicians.

A representative of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

A representative of the Medical Superintendents Society.

A representative of each of various specialist groups—consultants and specialists, radiological, pathological, ophthalmological, psychological medicine, physical medicine, orthopaedic, otolaryngology.

A representative each of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, Medical Women's Federation, Medical Committee of the House of Commons, Association of Anaesthetists, Medical Research Council.

A Medical Officer of the Ministry of Education.

A Medical Officer of the Board of Control.

A representative of the Trades Union Congress.

Two liaison officers of the Scottish War Committee.

One liaison officer of the Northern Ireland War Committee.

Four members being practitioners who have served with His Majesty's Forces.

In addition representatives of the three Service Departments, the Ministry of Pensions, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour attend as observers.

Local Medical War Committees

Two members elected by the Executive Committee of the local Division of the British Medical Association.

Two members elected by the local Medical and Panel Committee.

One member nominated by the Medical Officer of Health for the area.

Two members elected by the whole profession of the area at the meeting called for the purpose.

Two representatives of the medical staffs of the hospitals, municipal and voluntary, in the area.

Two representatives of teaching hospitals, if any, in the area.