HC Deb 20 March 1946 vol 420 cc1962-963
Miss Wilkinson

I beg to move, in page 14, line 28, column 2, after "hereof" to insert: for the words 'for the purposes of establishing or carrying on the school ' there shall be substituted the words ' in connection with the provision of premises or equipment for the purposes of the school,' and. This Amendment is a clarification that is considered necessary to Section 15 (3) (a),the purpose of which is to split the expenses of maintaining schools between the managers and governors on the one hand, and local authorities on the other. Section 114 (2) of the main Act throws the bulk of the maintenance of a voluntary school on to the local authority, except in the case of aided or special agreement schools those expenses which are thrown on to the managers. It has been thought that the words "establishing or carrying on the school "might conceivably be held in certain cases to include the payment of teachers' salaries. That never has been the case, and it is not intended that it should be so. I want to make it clear that in future new equipment required for a voluntary school will be a matter for the local education authority In the past, in the case of the grammar school, it was always a matter for the governors, subject to any assistance from the authority. This is a simple Amendment, but I wanted to clarify the issue.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In line 31, column 2, leave out "and," and insert "In subsection (3)."

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended (in the Standing Committee and on re-committal) considered.