HC Deb 20 March 1946 vol 420 c1843
5. Mr. Turton

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation whether he is now in a position to state what will be the future of the Clifton aerodrome near York; and what steps he proposes to take to protect the surrounding residential area from the nuisance of night flying.

Mr. Ivor Thomas

It is not desirable to make statements regarding particular aerodromes in advance of a comprehensive statement regarding aerodrome policy. The second part of the Question, therefore, does not arise, but I can assure the hon. Member that in all cases every effort will be made to minimise the nuisance of night flying.

Mr. Turton

Before reaching a decision, will the Minister take into consideration the fact that this aerodrome is in the centre of a residential area, with schools all around it, and that there are six alternative aerodromes which have not this disadvantage?

Mr. Thomas

I will look into the cir cumstances mentioned, but I cannot, as the hon. Member well knows, accept the suggestion that there are six alternative aerodromes.