HC Deb 19 March 1946 vol 420 cc1680-1
41. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of Swedish houses in Edinburgh for which timber sections have been delivered to date.

Mr. Buchanan

Timber sections for 50 houses have been delivered.

Mr. Willis

Will my hon. Friend try to expedite the delivery of components, in order to complete the houses for which sites have been ready for some time?

Mr. Buchanan

The lack of components is not, so far, holding up the erection of houses. I am anxious that the Swedish houses should be erected even if components for them are not ready, because if the houses are standing there is more force in the argument for getting their components.

Sir W. Darling

In view of the fact that there is abundant evidence that private enterprise is anxious to build houses in the City of Edinburgh, would the hon. Gentleman discourage the importation of houses from Sweden?

Mr. Buchanan

Far from doing that, if I had my way I would aid this importation in every possible way in order to give shelter to people in Scotland.

Mr. Willis

Will my hon. Friend look into this matter again, because from information I obtained on Saturday I believe that houses cannot be completed for want of components?

Mr. Buchanan

That is not quite my information, but if my hon. Friend, or anybody else, has any information that the completion of houses is being delayed I will make it my business to see that the problem is solved.

Major Lloyd

What is there to prevent the hon. Gentleman having his own way and seeing that Swedish houses are erected as fast as possible?

Mr. Buchanan

There are many reasons, which I cannot go into at Question time, but if the hon. and gallant Member raises the matter in the Debate today, I will give him an answer.