HC Deb 19 March 1946 vol 420 c1661
8. Mr. Lavers

asked the Minister of Labour the total number of unemployed, both male and female, to date in the village of Cockfield, County Durham, and the urban and rural districts of Barnard Castle.

Mr. Isaacs

The available figures relate to the numbers registered at particular employment exchanges at nth February, 1946. The number of unemployed insured persons suitable for ordinary employment on the registers of the Cockfield and Barnard Castle Employment Exchanges was as follows:

Males aged 14 and under 65 Females aged 14 and under 60
Cockfield 106 54
Barnard Castle 57 6
Mr. Lavers

In view of the past black history of this part of County Durham and the figures given by the Minister, will the right hon. Gentleman indicate what the Government propose to do to stop a repetition?

Mr. Isaacs

It is not what the Government propose to do, it is what the Government are, in fact, doing, that is, inducing industry to go to these areas where there is unemployed labour.

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