HC Deb 18 March 1946 vol 420 cc1515-6
31. Sir J. Lucas

asked the Minister of War Transport the number of fires on ships in the Liverpool area during the past month; and, in view of the shortage of shipping, what steps are being taken both to protect the ships from arson and for the early discovery of fires.

37. Sir Waldron Smithers

asked the Minister of War Transport whether his attention has been called to a series of serious outbreaks of fire in ships; and if he has any statement to make, especially in respect of sabotage.

Mr. Barnes

There were seven outbreaks of fire in ships in the Liverpool docks during the month of February and three outbreaks on 1st March. All the outbreaks were of a minor character causing no serious damage except in the case of the "Empire Waveney ", where a fire which broke out on 1st March resulted in the complete gutting of the ship. A fire occurred on the "Queen Elizabeth" at Southampton, on 8th March, but was extinguished before it assumed serious proportions. In view of the increasing number of passenger liners undergoing reconditioning, I recently communicated with the Associations of shipowners, ship repairers and shipbuilders urging the necessity for the maximum precautions against fire to be taken in every case. In addition, I have issued a circular to the authorities at the principal ports in the United Kingdom requesting them to take all possible steps to increase the precautionary measures at their ports against further outbreaks of fire on ships in ports. These organisations and the workers' unions concerned have been asked to initiate a propaganda campaign against careless action which might lead to fire. I understand that the cause of the fires in the "Empire Waveney" and "Queen Elizabeth" is being investigated by the Police.

Sir J. Lucas

Can the Minister say if any of these fires were caused by sabotage?

Mr. Barnes

No evidence has so far been submitted to me which suggests sabotage. As I have indicated in the final part of my reply, the police are still investigating fires which occurred on the "Empire Waveney" and the "Queen Elizabeth ".

Sir J. Lucas

Have any of the fires occurring on ships in the Liverpool area been investigated?

Mr. Barnes

It is not necessary to investigate the others because we are satisfied that there was no sabotage.

Sir W. Smithers

Is the Minister satisfied that the fires, in the other instances, were not the work and initiative of foreign agents?

Mr. Gallacher

In view of the likelihood of nationalisation of transport, will the Minister keep his eyes on the Tory Party?