HC Deb 14 March 1946 vol 420 cc1259-60
18. Mr. Shurmer

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department where tenants are desirous of removing air raid cellar exits because they are an eye sore and in the way, if, in view of the shortage of the type of labour needed to do this work, he will issue instructions to local authorities to inform tenants that they may, if they so desire, carry out this work.

Mr. Ede

Since removal of works of this character often involves interference with the public highway, it would generally be desirable that the local authority rather than the owner of the premises should undertake the work. No instructions of the kind suggested would therefore be justified, but I would raise no objection to the owner executing the work where he had obtained the prior agreement of the authority

Mr. McGovern

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in many cases tenants were compelled to erect these underground shelters and payments were divided among the tenants, whereas now that they are to be removed the Home Office refuses to accept any responsibility?

Mr. Ede

If my hon. Friend can bring to my notice any particular instances, I shall be very pleased to inquire into them.

Mr. Shurmer

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the local authority have already stated that it is not their affair, but is a matter for the Home Office, and is it not also a fact that the Home Office are finding difficulty in touching any of the blitzed sites in Birmingham; would it not be inconvenient if these things had to be left for two or three years, as they will be unless permission is given for the tenants to remove them themselves at weekends?

Mr. Ede

I agree that unless these obstructions are removed from the highways it will be very inconvenient, and if my hon. Friend can give me any particular cases I will be glad to look into them and see whether something can be done to remove the obstructions.