HC Deb 13 March 1946 vol 420 cc1105-6
78. Colonel J. R. H. Hutchison

asked the President of the Board of Trade, how many applications by officers and men of the Forces have been made for the importation of wine under duty purchased by or gifted to them; and how many such applications have been refused and for what quantities.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade (Mr. Belcher)

I regret that records arc not kept in a form which would enable me to give the hon. and gallant Member the information for which he asks. In general, however, licences have not been issued in such cases.

Colonel Hutchison

Will the Parliamentary Secretary, in view of the general satisfaction this would give to these men and their families, say what motive prompts the Government to refuse these licences?

Mr. Belcher

Licences are issued, or are not issued, according to the advice of the Ministry of Food, whose policy is based on a fair share for every one, and the feeling that it would be destructive to that principle if privileged people were allowed to import into this country quantities of wines and spirits greater than those which are normally available here.

Colonel Hutchison

When the Minister talks about privileged persons, does he not agree that it is a small recompense by way of privilege for what these men have done for the country?

Mr. Belcher

I cannot agree that the way to award people for their services to this country is to enable them to import wines and spirits.