HC Deb 13 March 1946 vol 420 cc1083-4
18. Mr. Bowden

asked the Undersecretary of State for Air what persons, other than civilian or service police, have authority to question R.A.F. drivers as to their duties and destination.

Mr. Strachey

No one else, except of course their superior officers or N.C.Os. acting in the course of their duties. If, however, my hon. Friend has in mind the questions apparently put to three R.A.F. drivers in Palace Yard last week by the hon. and gallant Member for Henley (Squadron-Leader Sir G. Fox), I am delighted that the drivers answered these questions courteously, though they were no doubt quite unauthorised. For the drivers' answers should have satisfied the hon. and gallant Member that the cars were being used for the right and proper purpose of fetching Ministers from this House, although, as I said in the House on 5th December, we are hoping that this work willbe put on a civilian basis very soon now.