HC Deb 12 March 1946 vol 420 c935
40. Mr. Edehnan

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that 550 workers, recently declared redundant at Messrs. Humber, Limited, have been refused unemployment pay on the grounds that their unemployment is due to a trade dispute; and whether he will withdraw his approval of the redundancy notices in order that they may not be used as instruments of duress against the men.

Mr. Isaacs

I understand from my right hon. Friend the Minister of National Insurance that the facts are substantially as stated in the first part of this Question and that the Court of Referees is considering appeals against disqualification for unemployment benefit in a representative number of test cases. As regards the second part of the Question, I would invite my hon. Friend's attention to the reply I gave him on 27th February. The matter is governed by the provisions of the Essential Work Orders, and the national service officer is unable to take any further action in the matter except after the hearings by an independent local appeal board of any appeals made by the workers concerned against his decisions.

Mr. Edelman

Will the right hon. Gentleman see that the proceedings of the appeals are expedited in order that this unfortunate strike can be brought to an end as quickly as possible?

Mr. Isaacs

Yes, we will do that. I would like to say that if the men concerned had taken the advice of their own trade union the dispute would not have happened at all.