HC Deb 05 June 1946 vol 423 cc1977-8
16. Air-Commodore Harvey

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air why R.A.F. officers selected for the present R.A.F. Staff College course have lost their acting rank when they were given a definite assurance at the time of being selected that this would not happen.

Mr. de Freitas

The reason for taking this step, which has applied since the beginning of April throughout the Service to all officers holding acting rank on courses which last ten weeks or more, was explained personally to each of the officers on the present Staff College course before the term started. It would not be fair to the many other officers who are having to give up their acting rank because of the accelerated reduction in the size of the Air Force if those now at the Staff College were specially treated and still allowed to retain theirs.

Air-Commodore Harvey

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that last October, when returns were called for, these officers were given a definite assurance that they would retain their acting rank? If the Air Ministry are going back on their pledge, should not these officers be given their financial rights in pay, even if they lose their rank? Will the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that that will be done?

Mr. de Freitas

No, Sir; I am afraid I cannot give that assurance. It is true that this undertaking was given in October, but in the letter that was sent in March to each of the officers the reasons why it was impossible to carry it out were explained, and we have had no complaints from the officers who were on the course. Apparently, they quite understood the fairness of the decision.

Air-Commodore Harvey

The hon. Member may not have had complaints, but is he aware that other Members of Parliament have had complaints? In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.