HC Deb 24 July 1946 vol 426 c19
23. Colonel Crosthwaite-Eyre

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation, under what statutory authority he notified, on 28th June, 1946, the Associated Airways Joint Committee that West Coast Air Services should cease operations on 1st July, 1946.

Mr. Ivor Thomas

West Coast Air Services, Limited, is one of several companies which are operating certain services under an agreement with the Minister of Civil Aviation, the Associated Airways Joint Committee acting as agents for the companies. In accordance with the clause in the agreement allowing the Minister to terminate or vary any of the services, it was arranged with the Associated Airways Joint Committee that West Coast Air Services Limited, should cease to operate the Liverpool—Dublin and London—Dublin services on 1st July and that the aircraft and crews should be diverted for use on other routes. The notification to the committee on 28th June last was in confirmation of this arrangement, and no statutory authority was necessary.

Colonel Crosthwaite-Eyre

When the hon. Gentleman says "agreement," will he define the word "agreement"? A peremptory letter was sent only three days before the taking over of the company by the Ministry. A guarantee was given to this House that where such airlines were taken over it would be on the basis of a willing buyer and a willing seller.

Mr. Thomas

That is an entirely different matter. Negotiations are proceeding on that basis with A.A.J.C. What is in question now is the actual operation of certain services governed by the agreement dated 1941.