HC Deb 23 July 1946 vol 425 c1861
42. Mr. Henderson Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will explain the changes made in housing procedure resulting from the recent representations made to him by the Fife County Council; and if this improved procedure will apply, in future, to all housing activities in Scotland.

Mr. Buchanan

The arrangements broadly provide for the approval of sites in suitable cases by means of local contacts between my Department and the county council. I shall consider extending these arrangements wherever this is useful and practical. Questions of distance and local practice might rule out their general adoption. I am anxious to simplify housing procedure to the utmost extent and will continue to seek the guidance of the liaison committee of local authority representatives who advise me in this respect.

Mr. Stewart

Does not the Minister agree with the estimate made by the county council that, as a result of their representations, the time spent on formalities has been reduced from well over 100 days to less than 30 days?

Mr. Buchanan

Far be it from me to deprecate any local authorities in their claims. If they choose to be happy that way, I do not want to take away their happiness.

Mr. Stewart

If that extraordinary reduction in "red tape" can be brought about, why did the hon. Member delay so long in denying the charge which I made?

Mr. Buchanan

The facts are that the reduction is nothing like that amount. Let people be happy. I am much more happy that they should get on with building houses than have needless controversy about them.

Mr. De la Bère

I want to be happy.