35. Mr. Gallaeherasked the Under-Secretary of State for India how many persons, and of what nationality, are at present lodged in the Central Internment Camp at Dehra Dun in the special wing called the anti-Nazi and anti-Fascist Wing No. 2; and on what grounds are any of such persons so detained.
§ The Under-Secretary of State for India (Mr. Arthur Henderson)As the reply is somewhat long and contains a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it with the OFFICIAL REPORT.
§ Following is the answer:
§ I have received a report from the Government of India stating that the total number of internees in Wing 2 is 69, made up of 35 Germans, nine Italians, 14 Bulgarians, four Hungarians, one Rumanian, three Yugoslays and three Czechs. All but nine of these persons were sent during the war from other countries to India for detention, and as soon as the necessary arrangements have been made they will be returned to their own countries or to the countries from which they have been received. Of the nine who were interned while in India, two wish to be repatriated and the remainder, whom the Government of India are not prepared owing to their record to release in India, will also be repatriated as soon as arrangements can be made. As regards the 6o internees received from abroad the Government of India is not aware of the reasons for their original detention by the Government from whom they were received. I am asking the Government of India for the grounds on which the other nine were interned, and will communicate the reply to my hon. Friend.