HC Deb 19 July 1946 vol 425 cc1547-8

11.16 a.m.

The Lord President of the Council (Mr. Herbert Morrison)

I am exceedingly sorry to trouble the House again with regard to the matter of Privilege which arose after Questions yesterday. I am advised that the Motion which was carried is not, in itself, complete, and that, therefore, it is desirable for the House to resolve, That the matter of complaint made yesterday by Mr. John Freeman be referred to the Committee of Privileges. I am sorry to bother the House again, but I hope the House will agree that this Motion be adopted. I beg to move.

Mr. Oliver Stanley

Of course, we accept this Motion. However, we think that in moving it the Lord President might have included some apology to the hon. and learned Gentleman the Member for the Combined English Universities (Mr. Henry Strauss) who, during the short Debate upon the Motion yesterday, raised exactly this point, pointing out that it was in an unusual form; and asking whether it would not, in fact, have the limitation which the Lord President now fears. I hope perhaps it will be a lesson to the Lord President, that it is sometimes worth listening to comments that are made, even from the Opposition. It might have saved him from having to come to the House again on this point, which yesterday he treated with such importance, and which I cannot help thinking, therefore, he had spent some time preparing. He has now had to admit that my hon. and learned Friend was perfectly correct in the point of criticism which he raised.

Mr. Morrison

I cannot blame the right hon. Gentleman for making the comment he has made, which has obviously given him some pleasure. I have said that I am sorry to have to bother the House again, and I am sorry. I am sorry also that we were not complete in the proceedings yesterday. The House will recall that there was a certain amount of excitement when this matter arose yesterday, and a good deal of feeling. I was watching the Debate very closely, and listening with great interest to the Leader of the Opposition, who, unexpectedly, made a speech of substance. There was a good deal of feeling on this subject, and the consequence was the Motion that was carried was not entirely complete. Therefore, I have taken—I hope courteously, and with respect to the House—the earliest opportunity of putting it right. In the circumstances, I trust the House will be good enough to agree to the Motion which I have moved.

Question put, and agreed to.

Resolved: That the matter of complaint made yesterday by Mr. John Freeman be referred to the Committee of Privileges.