HC Deb 18 July 1946 vol 425 c1381
50. Mr. John Freeman

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will prepare a release scheme for the repatriation of non-Nazi prisoners of war now in this country, with priority for those who were in concentration camps or prisons under the Nazis; for those who were anti-Nazis before 1945, or who refused to join the Hitler Youth for political or religious convictions; and for politically reliable qualified experts not reckoned within the Oberon Scheme.

Mr. McNeil

Arrangements are now being made for the repatriation of non-Nazi prisoners of war on a larger scale than has so far been possible under the Oberon scheme. My hon. Friend's other suggestions will be taken ito consideration in working out the details of the scheme.

Mr. Edelman

Will the Minister also try to obtain the release of those members of the 999 division who were recruited from concentration camps and were forced into the German Army?

Mr. McNeil

I should require to have notice of that question.