HC Deb 16 July 1946 vol 425 cc1024-5
13. Sir Waldron Smithers

asked the Minister of Works, in view of the fact that the completion of temporary houses n the Allington Road and Rookery sites in Orpington Urban District Council area is being held up because of the non-delivery of internal fittings, and also that there are over 2,000 families on the waiting list for houses in the Orpington area, if he will take steps to expedite the delivery of the fittings.

Mr. Tomlinson

All possible steps are being taken to increase the production and expedite delivery of fittings for temporary houses. Available supplies are being distributed equitably and a high priority will be given to deliveries to the Allington Road site.

Sir W. Smithers

Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that delay and frustration are caused because of the attempt to run over every detail with Whitehall, and because, as he has shown in a previous answer, so many Ministries have to be consulted and cannot agree? Does he realise—[HON. MEMBERS: "Present a Petition "]—that the housing situation in Orpington is very serious, and that there are thousands of human tragedies?

Mr. Tomlinson

It is for that reason that I gave the hon. Member the answer I did.

19. Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Works whether he has yet considered complaints that have been sent to him about the delay in delivering internal fittings to Messrs. H. & L. Miller, Limited; and if he has any statement to make.

Mr. Tomlinson

Inquiries are being made into these complaints, and I will communicate with the hon. Member.

Sir W. Smithers

In order to save the time of the House, may I ask the Minister to read the reply to my supplementary question on No. 13 and for that reply to be reprinted here?

Mr. Tomlinson

It is not for me to determine how the OFFICIAL REPORT shall be printed.

Sir W. Smithers

I asked the right hon. Gentleman to read the answer again.

Mr. Tomlinson

I will do that.

24. Sir Wavell Wakefield

asked the Minister of Works whether he is aware that 52 bungalow houses in the borough of St. Marylebone cannot be completed because internal components cannot be obtained; and when supplies will be available.

Mr. Tomlinson

Yes, Sir. Supplies for 14 of the houses are being delivered this week, and deliveries to the remaining houses will be made as soon as possible.