HC Deb 16 July 1946 vol 425 cc1027-8
18. Mr. Frederick Lee

asked the Minister of Works whether he will be prepared to give priority to applications for huts required for bona fide political organisations.

Mr. Tomlinson

Yes, Sir. As the more useful types of hut are in very short supply, I feel that priority should be confined to political organisations that are represented in this House and to cases where huts are required for bona fide political purposes and not merely for social and recreational objects. I hope the headquarters of political parties will be prepared to look into their branches' applications, as I shall give priority only where I have the headquarters' letter of support. It would, therefore, be convenient if individual applications are addressed in the first place to party headquarters, and transmitted thence to my Ministry.

Mr. Charles Williams

Can the Minister assure us that there will be no Government prejudice against the Communist Party?

Mr. Gallacher

May I ask the Minister if he will see to it that the Tory Party, in its declining years, is supplied with the huts it needs?

Mr. W. J. Brown

Are we to understand that there are to be no Independent huts whatever?

Mr. Tomlinson

With regard to the first supplementary question, there will be no prejudice against any party; with regard to the third supplementary question, the Independents are already provided for.

Mr. James Callaghan

May I ask for guidance as to whether applications from the British Housewives' League should be sent through the Conservative Party?