HC Deb 16 July 1946 vol 425 c1041
43. Mr. Vane

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that the Electricity Commissioners' circular instruction No. 950/1101, of Zest June, 1946, gives priority of allocation of poles to newly built premises; and why this preferential treatment is given to such premises when many applications in respect of older premises have remained outstanding through the war years.

Mr. Shinwell

Yes, Sir. The provision of electrical facilities to new premises must for the time being have priority over existing premises which have alternative facilities, but every effort will be made to provide such facilities to existing premises as soon as possible.

Mr. Vane

Is the Minister aware that the Electricity Commissioners' circular does not make clear the alternative facilities and that it seems most unfair to adopt the principle that the last should be first and the first should be last?

Mr. Shinwell

Surely, if there are no facilities, it is desirable to provide them.

67. Mr. Vane

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is aware that the Electricity Commissioners, in their circular instructions No. 950/1101 dated 21st June, have given their encouragement to the use of concrete poles for overhead supply of electricity; and if he will now also encourage the use of this material in rural areas as an alternative to wooden poles, where the cost is not prohibitive.

Mr. Shinwell

Yes, Sir.

Colonel Clarke

Will the Minister try to prevail on his right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply to release more steel reinforcement for these poles, because production is being hampered in view of the fact that steel reinforcement is difficult to get?

Mr. Shinwell

The possibility of using these poles extensively is being investigated. We are pushing ahead as fast as we can.