HC Deb 15 July 1946 vol 425 cc1001-2

  1. 1. Member of Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service or any reserve thereof.
  2. 2. Member of the Women's Royal Naval Service.
  3. 3. Woman medical or dental practitioner serving in the Royal Navy or any naval reserve.
  4. 4. Member of Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service or any reserve thereof.
  5. 5. Member of the Territorial Army Nursing Service or any reserve thereof.
  6. 6. Member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service.
  7. 7. Woman employed with the Royal Army Medical Corps or the Army Dental Corps with relative rank as an officer.
  8. 8. Member of Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service or any reserve thereof.
  9. 9. Member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.
  10. 10. Woman employed with the Medical Branch or the Dental Branch of the Royal Air Force with relative rank as an officer.
  11. 11. Member of the Voluntary Aid Detachments employed under the Admiralty, Army Council or Air Council.—[Mr. Glenvil Hall.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

I beg to move, "That the Schedule be read a Second time."

This follows the promise made to the right hon. and gallant Member for Gains-borough (Captain Crookshank) that instead of legislation by reference we would actually put in a Schedule the names of the women's organisations which were covered.

Schedule read a Second time, added to the Bill.

Further Consideration of the adjourned.—[Mr. W. Whiteley.]

Bill, as amended, to be further considered Tomorrow.