HC Deb 10 July 1946 vol 425 c376
20. Mr. Medlicott

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air if he is aware that there is still considerable dissatisfaction in Norfolk at the continued use of Horsham St. Faith's aerodrome on the fringe of Norwich; and why it is not possible to use in its place an aerodrome at a more adequate distance from a built-up area.

Mr. de Freitas

There is little I can add to the reply given by my predecessor to my hon. Friend the Member for Norwich (Mr. Paton) on 24th October last, which stated that we cannot give up the use of Horsham St. Faith, because it has complex and expensive installations which are important for the air defence of the United Kingdom. It is, moreover, one of the relatively few Royal Air Force stations which have permanent accommodation for living and working. So far as safety permits, arrangements are made to avoid any flying over Norwich and we plan to reduce night flying from Horsham St. Faith later this year.

Mr. Medlicott

While fully appreciating the great importance of this aerodrome, may I ask if it is still not possible to transfer the installations to one of the other many aerodromes with which Norfolk is so very well provided? Is it not unsuitable for such an aerodrome to be so near a large city?

Mr. de Freitas

The difficulty is that we have spent £250,000 on this airfield. The other airfields in Norfolk—and there are very many—are chiefly airfields without permanent accommodation, and we have not the labour, money and materials to make these enormous changes. We cannot do it.