HC Deb 21 February 1946 vol 419 cc1283-4
25. Captain Blackburn

asked the Minister of Health in how many of the plans for new houses which have been approved up to date have satisfactory arrangements been made to provide for the installation of modern apparatus for burning coal in a scientific manner so as to extract the maximum heat and reduce smoke to a minimum.

Mr. Bevan

I regret that no statistics are available of the different types of fuel burning equipment being installed by local authorities, but I have very much in mind the desirability of providing up-to-date fuel burning apparatus.

26. Captain Blackburn

asked the Minister of Health what is the present approximate cost of installing-in houses to be built under the Government's programme the latest scientific apparatus for burning coal; and whether, in view of the need to install such apparatus in order to save the country's coal resources and reduce smoke, he is prepared to take any special steps, by way of subsidy or otherwise, to ensure that all new houses are fully efficient from the point of view of utilising British coal.

Mr. Bevan

If my hon. and gallant Friend will be good enough to let us know what particular apparatus he has in mind, I will be glad to furnish him with such information as is available. I do not think additional subsidy would be appropriate, but I am ready to take all other practicable steps toencourage the installation of proper equipment.

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