HC Deb 18 February 1946 vol 419 cc768-9
27. Mr. Edelman

asked the Minister of Supply and of Aircraft Production what he has done to see that the policy of the motor industry is in accordance with that of the Government.

Mr. Wilmot

During the war, close working contacts were established between the Ministries of Supply and of Aircraft Production and the motor industry on all matters affecting production. It has been my desire that these contacts should be maintained and strengthened for peace-time purposes and especially during the difficult period of transition.. With this object in view I am now setting up a National Advisory Council for the Motor Manufacturing Industry which will provide a means of regular consultation between the Government and the motor manufacturers on such matters as the location of industry, exports, imports, research, design and technical development, production methods and the general progress of the industry. The new Council will consist of an official chairman, representatives of the various groups of manufacturers and of the Government Departments mainly concerned in the British motor industry and independent members whom I shall nominate, including two who will be representative of labour. The names of the members will be announced as soon as possible.

Mr. Edelman

Is my right hon. Friend aware that his proposals will be warmly welcomed by all who work in the motor industry?

Colonel Erroll

Does this announcement mean that the President of the Board of Trade will no longer interfere in the motor industry?

Mr. Wilmot

The motor industry, as part of the engineering industry, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Supply.