HC Deb 18 February 1946 vol 419 c793
55. Mr. Gooch

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware of the serious effect of erosion on the Norfolk coast, where parishes are in imminent danger of tumbling into the sea; and will he consider incorporating the whole of the area under catchment board jurisdiction.

Mr. T. Williams

If my hon. Friend will let me have a note of the places on the Norfolk coast at which he considers that serious erosion by the sea is taking place I will arrange for the districts to be inspected, and if I find that any land drainage interests are involved I will bring the matter to the notice of the drainage authorities concerned. There is no power to include in a Catchment Area any part of the coast where sea defence problems do not affect land drainage.

Mr. Gooch

Does the Minister realise that a considerable portion of the Norwich area is below the level of extreme tides and that normal tides could be a threat to Norwich half a dozen times during the year?

Mr. Williams

My hon. Friend will be aware that land drainage authorities have no right under the law to deal with areas other than those where coast erosion would adversely affect their land drainage schemes..

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