HC Deb 14 February 1946 vol 419 cc509-10
19. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Health how many of the 606 unoccupied houses and flats in St. Marylebone, 2,007 in Paddington, 3,069 in Kensington, 350 in Chelsea and 677 in Westminster, have been requisitioned for housing purposes by the London boroughs concerned.

Mr. Bevan

Very few of these houses have been requisitioned. The total number of premises held on requisition by the Councils of these boroughs is 672 in St. Marylebone, 186 in Paddington, 629 in Kensington, 445 in Chelsea, 507 in Westminster; and requisitioning will be extended to other houses as and when the councils are in a position to deal with them.

Mr. Sparks

Is my right hon. Friend aware that since the date of my first Question on this matter, in one particular area a number of requisitioning notices have appeared on some of these vacant premises, and may I ask him if he can follow this matter up in order to see that the maximum number of these unoccupied dwellings are requisitioned by the local authorities where possible?

Mr. Bevan

The first part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question directs attention to the value of this House. With regard to the second part, there is often some difficulty on the part of the local authority in requisitioning because it always has to prepare plans for adaptation, and therefore these gaps—which are sometimes headlined in the less responsible sections of the Press—are unavoidable.

21. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Health if he is. aware that Mayfair estate agents have more than 2,000 empty houses on their books, most of which could be converted into flats and that the Westminster City Council, in whose area the empty houses are situated, have a list of 1,500 applicants for housing accommodation; and what steps he is taking to see that this empty accommodation is made available to the families needing it.

Mr. Bevan

I understand that the 2,000 empty houses are not all situated in Westminster. The Westminster City Council is itself carrying out works of adaptation and repair to houses in their area to the extent of the labour available for this purpose and my officers will discuss with them what more can be done.

27. Captain Baird

asked the Minister of Health why the house at 145, Stubly Lane, Wednesfield, Staffordshire, has been allowed to stand vacant for five months.

Mr. Bevan

I understand that the local authority considered requisitioning this house early in October when it first came to their notice, but decided not to do so as it was in a very bad state of repair. They are, however, to review the question at an early date.

Captain Baird

Does the Minister realise that the owner of the house is holding the public to ransom by asking an excessive price over and above what it is worth?

Mr. Bevan

I will make inquiries about that.