HC Deb 12 February 1946 vol 419 cc182-3
66. Lieutenant William Shepherd

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what steps he is taking to reduce the abnormal Government expenditure of£737,000 in Press advertising which took place in the six months ended 31st December, 1945.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

The level of Press advertising has been the subject of careful review in connection with the establishment of the new Government Information Office, but I regret that no decrease is considered practicable at present.

Lieutenant Shepherd

Will the Minister say why Ministries cannot adopt a single column advertisement, as commercial firms are compelled to do? Why should they have a double column?

Mr. Glenvil Hall

That does not arise out of the question.

Lieutenant Shepherd

It does.

Major Bruce

In view of the continuous Press campaign of misrepresentation against the Government recently, would not the Minister consider increasing vastly his expenditure on advertising?

Earl Winterton

Can the hon. Gentleman give an undertaking to consider what the Member behind is advocating and see that this money is not used for political purposes?

Mr. Glenvil Hall

I was asked a definite question, and the question which the Noble Lord now puts to me is quite irrelevant.

Earl Winterton

Then I give the hon. Gentleman notice that I will raise this on the Adjournment. It is a disgraceful accusation.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

The Noble Lord has his remedy.

Major Bruce

On a point of Order. Is it in Order for the Noble Lord to say my accusation is disgraceful?

Mr. Speaker

It is not out of Order.

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