HC Deb 17 December 1946 vol 431 c1740
17. Lieut.-Colonel Corbett

asked the Secretary of State for War if he will define exactly the category of officers who are entitled to draw qualification pay referred to in paragraph 25 of Command Paper 6750.

Mr. Bellenger

There is at present in force an interim scheme for qualification pay at the rate of 2s. 6d. a day for lieutenants, 4s. for captains and 5s. for majors; the list of qualifications is a long one and I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL RETORT.

Lieut.-Colonel Corbett

Can the right hon. Gentleman say if war substitute courses will enable officers to qualify for this pay?

Mr. Bellenger

I have given a rather long reply, which I am circulating, and if the hon. and gallant Gentleman will look at it first, and if he then puts down a Question, I will do my best to answer it.

Following is the List

In addition medical and dental officers classified as specialists may draw qualification pay at a that rate of 4s. a day in ranks up to and including lieutenant-colonel.

The following are the qualifications which carry eligibility for qualification pay under the interim scheme. Those under 2 reckon only if the qualification was held on 1st July, 1946:
  1. 1.—(a) Graduate of Junior Wing, Staff College.
  2. (b) Qualified at a Senior Staff Course, 1939-, qualified at an Intermediate Staff Course, or the equivalent, 1939-, qualified at a Junior Staff Course, or the equivalent, 1942-, and passed a Territorial Army Course in Staff Duties, provided that the officer has subsequently held a second grade staff post or a Lieutenant-Colonel's appointment satisfactorily for a period of one year.
  3. (c) Passed the final examination of the Advanced Class Military College of Science.
  4. (d) Qualified at a Small Arms Technical Long Course.
  5. (e) Passed an Advanced Mechanisation Course.
  6. (f) A.M.I.Mech.E.
  7. (g) A.M.I.C.E.
  8. (h) A.M.I.E.E.
2.—(i) Royal Armoured Corps officers who have passed as instructors at 12 months' courses on tank gunnery, wireless or maintenance, partly at the R.A.C. school and partly at the Military College of Science.
  1. (j) Instructors in gunnery who hold a "g" qualification.
Officers who have passed
  1. (h) the R.E. Long E. and M. Course,
  2. (l) the R.E. Long Transportation Course,
  3. (m) the pre-war Long R.A.P.C. Course,
  4. (n) the pre-war Long Ordnance Course.
  5. (o) Officers who, before VJ Day, held appointments as Lieutenant-Colonels for a sufficient period to become war substantive majors. Applicable only to officers of the Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Artillery, Infantry, Royal Army Service Corps, Royal Army Ordnance Corps and Army Catering Corps on reverting from temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.
  6. (p) Officers who hold any degree in the United Kingdom acceptable to the institutions of Civil and Electrical Engineers as giving exemption from the Institutions' theoretical examinations Parts A and B. Applicable only to the Royal Engineers and Royal Corps of Signals.