40. Lieut.-Commander Clark Hutchisonasked the President of the Board of Trade the number of cases in which ex-Service men and women who have applied for their entitlement of clothing coupons have had their applications rejected on the grounds that they have been unable to produce the clothing book containing the necessary application form.
§ 82. Mr. Bowdenasked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that many thousands of demobilised Servicemen have mislaid and destroyed their Sc./V. clothing books and are unable to obtain the supplementary issue of clothing coupons; and if he will introduce a scheme whereby these men may receive their coupons without the V. form.
§ Sir S. CrippsUp till and including Tuesday, 68,000 persons claimed for loss of their "V" vouchers on the form known as L.C.4 or about 1½ per cent. of those who are, or will become, eligible for the 26. A small number of these claims were admitted because loss was due to fire or burglary. I have now reconsidered the position in the light of these figures. In view of the disappointment caused to a considerable number of ex-Service men and women who have carelessly lost or destroyed these vouchers in spite of many printed warnings on their original document, I have agreed to extend the conditions of replacement to include such losses. Those who have already made application on form L.C.4 will receive their replacements in rotation, and those who still wish to make application should obtain the form L.C.4 from their local food office and then post it when completed to the area office of the Assistance Board. No application in respect of lost "V" vouchers will be entertained after 15th 1327 January. I would ask all concerned not to send us reminders which will only delay consideration of application.
Lieut.-Commander HutchisonWill the right hon. and learned Gentleman see that they have the earliest possible consideration?
§ Sir S. CrippsCertainly.
§ Major Legge-BourkeWill the Minister see that in any case where a refusal has already been made of the application for renewal, these people will not have to re-apply?