HC Deb 09 December 1946 vol 431 cc742-3
35. Mr. Manningham-Buller

asked the Minister of Supply whether he will terminate his present policy of discharging on the ground of redundancy, ex-Servicemen employed in his Department's depot, while retaining in such employment Irish workers who did not serve in the Armed Forces, on the ground that their length of service in such depots exceeds that of the ex-Servicemen.

Mr. Wilmot

This policy is in accordance with an agreement reached on the Ministry of Supply Joint Industrial Council in August of last year. I have arranged for it to be reviewed immediately.

Mr. Manningham-Buller

Would the right hon. Gentleman say whether, before initiating this policy, he consulted the British Legion, and whether he secured any agreement with them with regard to it; and does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that the present policy, while it may provide full employment for Irish workers and conscientious objectors, does lead to unemployment among ex-Servicemen who are recommended to the Ministry by ex-Servicemen's associations?

Mr. Wilmot

I would rather leave it at the moment, and say that the matter is being reviewed.