HC Deb 03 December 1946 vol 431 cc187-8
10. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the reasons for the continued delays in the completion of the Swedish timber houses in Edinburgh, and the steps that have been taken to overcome them.

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Buchanan)

The delay has been due to the lack of certain materials and components. I personally visited these houses in August last, and took steps to expedite deliveries of outstanding requirements, some of which, I subsequently discovered, had not then been ordered. Contrary to recent Press statements, as a result of the steps which I took, substantial deliveries have been made, and I am assured that the only items now required to enable the houses to be occupied are taps and cast iron goods. I am taking every step possible to hasten the delivery of these outstanding items.

Mr. Willis

Do we understand from that reply that the report which appeared in the Press, that there were two months' delay on the part of the Housing Department of Edinburgh in giving details of the work required, was inaccurate?

Mr. Buchanan

When we made inquiries, it was obvious that certain items had never been ordered by the town council. The steps I took were effective in having the goods delivered.

Mr. Willis

Did the corporation take advantage of what was done by the Department?

Mr. Buchanan

As I say in my answer, some of the items had not been ordered, and there was a delay in the ordering of the material required.

Commander Galbraith

Will the hon. Member say how long these houses have been in course of erection?

Mr. Buchanan

I could not say exactly, but round about 12 months, I should think. But whether it is long or short, it does not excuse people from not ordering the required goods.

Sir W. Darling

Can the hon. Member assure the House that until he visited this important housing site certain items which were essential had not been discovered until he found them?

Mr. Buchanan

The hon. Member must not understand that I go looking for things, not even for him. I went there and had a conversation with a very intelligent clerk of works, and he gave me information.

Mr. Willis

In view of the unsatisfactory reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise the matter on the Adjournment.