HC Deb 02 December 1946 vol 431 cc5-6
5. Mr. Driberg

asked the Minister of Food to which rice-consuming countries the expected exportable surplus of 1,000,000 tons of Burmese rice is to be allocated and in what quantities; and if he will give an assurance that none of this rice will go to countries in which there is no system of rationing rice.

Mr. Strachey

The International Emergency Food Council is responsible for allocating this rice and the Council is considering allocations for the first half of 1947, but has not yet announced its recommendations. I have no doubt that the Council is taking all these factors into consideration.

Mr. Driberg

Apart from having no doubt, will my right hon. Friend make representations to that effect?

Mr. Strachey

We are of course represented on the rice committee—on the I.E.F.C.—but this particular point con- cerns only China, which is the only country which does not have a rice ration, and I do not think there is any question of any Burmese rice going to China.

Mr. Driberg

Does Cuba ration rice?