§ 56. Mr. John Freemanasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has any statement to make about the organisation for the disposal of surplus stores.
§ Mr. DaltonYes, Sir. General Sir Wilfrid Lindsell, who, as the House knows, has been acting on behalf of my right hon. Friend, the President of the Board of Trade, as the Government's executive officer for the disposal of surplus stores, is being released from his duties, at his own request. I wish to take this opportunity of thanking him, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, for having done a very good job. Since over 80 per cent. of the total disposals now fall within the field of the Ministry of Supply, the co-ordinating responsibility hitherto borne by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade is 1218 being transferred to my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply.
§ Mr. DribergDoes that include disposal of Army huts—
§ Mr. DaltonIt includes the disposal of Army huts.
§ Mr. Driberg—because if so, it is not a very good job.
§ Mr. HoyWill my right hon. Friend say if Questions regarding the disposal of these surplus stores should be directed to the Minister of Supply, or will be answered by a different Department?
§ Mr. DaltonNo, Sir, it will be convenient if in future my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply takes all Questions on disposal.