HC Deb 17 April 1946 vol 421 c2678
49. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Food whether, in view of the precarious position of pig breeders throughout the country, who now have insufficient feeding stuffs to bring to maturity their three- to six-months-old store pigs and cannot find an outlet for them in the markets owing to the would-be buyers holding off because they, in turn, have no feeding stuffs, he will introduce an order permitting the sale and slaughter of this sized pig through the local retailers.

Sir B. Smith

No such order is required since my Department will be prepared to purchase for slaughter all pigs suitable for retail butchers.

Mr. De la Bère

Does not the Aliruster realise the almost incredible difficulties of pig breeders who were encouraged to increase their herds last autumn and now have no feeding stuffs and are compelled to sell pigs at an uneconomic price? Is the Minister going to make up the loss they have sustained due to his action last autumn?

Sir B. Smith

There are no indications that large numbers of these pigs will be offered for slaughter when the feeding stuffs are reduced. Prices for store pigs have not declined since the feeding stuffs allocation was reduced. Prices are higher than they were a year ago.

Mr. De la Bère

In view of the fact that I do not accept the Minister's explanation, may I register a vigorous and spirited protest?