HC Deb 17 April 1946 vol 421 c2660
8. Mr. Driberģ

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air if he is aware that 1081364 Corporal E. S. Baker, Air Headquarters, R.A.F., Kandy, intends to marry an Anglo-Indian girl resident in Nagpur, but that this intention, which has the approval of his parents, has been frustrated by his commanding officer's disapproval of such a marriage, and if he will take steps to facilitate this marriage and to secure sympathetic consideration of this airman's application for a year's extension of service.

Mr. Strachey

Yes, Sir. This case was first considered overseas under the previous wartime policy. We have, however, recently made it clear that a member of the Royal Air Force serving abroad should he allowed to marry whomsoever he wishes, subject only to Service requirements, which it should usually be possible to meet now that the war is over except for the present special conditions in ex-enemy countries. The command have therefore been asked to reconsider this case and I hope that I shall shortly be able to tell my hon. Friend that it has had a happy ending.

Mr. James Callaģhan

Can the Minister tell us what are the special requirements?

Mr. Strachey

It is a question of posting, usually in these cases.