HC Deb 15 April 1946 vol 421 c2329
26. Mr. Sutcliffe

asked the President of the Board of Trade if allocations of permits to purchase equipment have now been made in the case of all clubs in Northern cricket leagues; and if sufficient goods will be available in local shops to cover the permits issued.

Mr. Belcher

Allocations have been made against all applications received up to date. A retailer may not be able to meet all requirements at once from his stock but he should be able to get an order accepted by a manufacturer if it is supported by a buying certificate.

32. Mr. Sutcliffe

asked the President of the Board of Trade why no allocation of clothing coupons in replacement of cricket outfits is being made, as previously, direct to Lancashire leagues, who have been told to apply to the Yorkshire cricket federation for all their requirements; and if he will revert at once to the customary practice whereby each county supplies its own clubs.

Mr. Belcher

I am informed that the Central Lancashire Cricket League, to whom the hon. Member no doubt refers, were advised on 4th April of the issue of coupons to them.