§ 51. Sir David Robertsonasked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that the London County Council have decided against sowing any spring wheat on their farms, which cover 6,420 acres; and if he will take steps to have this decision reversed, as contrary to the national interest.
§ Mr. T. WilliamsThe council's policy, with which I am in full agreement, has been to provide from their farms a continuous supply of milk and vegetables for their hospitals and institutions. As a result of the world food crisis, the council ordered an intensification of this policy, and I do not consider that this is contrary to the national interest.
Mr. BaldwinIs the Minister aware that it was stated in the agricultural Press that the London County Council had been permitted to sow 35 acres for 2341 poultry? Does he not think that such a report is very annoying to farmers, who are compelled to sell wheat to the Minister of Food at£3 per ton less than they give for pig food?
§ Mr. WilliamsI have not seen any such report.