HC Deb 09 April 1946 vol 421 cc1777-8
20. Mr. W. Shepherd

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the total exports of coal in the last six months.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Shinwell)

The total quantity of coal exported as cargo during the six months ended 28th February, 1946, was 2,690,000 tons. Apart from coal sent to bunker depots abroad, the great bulk of this coal was of very low quality.

Mr. Shepherd

In view of the fact that many industries in this country are partially closing down because of lack of fuel, can the Minister justify these continued exports?

Mr. Shinwell

There is no evidence of industries closing down. If the hon. Gentleman has any information to that effect, perhaps he will be good enough to send it on to me?

Mr. Shepherd

Is not the Minister aware that I sent him a case of that kind where a works had partially closed down only the other day?

Mr. Shinwell

I am not aware of that, but I will look into the matter.

Major Peter Roberts

Is the Minister aware that in Sheffield certain steel firms are very short of gas?