HC Deb 08 April 1946 vol 421 c1654
98. Mr. Hollis

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government will publish the terms of its recent communication to the Soviet Government on the Soviet evacuation of Manchuria.

Mr. McNeil

His Majesty's Government have made no communication' to the Soviet Government on the Soviet evacuation of Manchuria, which they regard as a matter between the Chinese and Soviet Governments. A communication was, however, addressed to the Soviet Government on 9th March regarding the removal by the Soviet forces of Japanese assets from Manchuria. I am arranging for the text of this communication to be circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the communication:

" British Embassy,


9th March, 1946.


I have been instructed by my Government to inform the Soviet Government that they are disturbed at reports which have been reaching them to the effect that Soviet forces have been engaged in removing from Manchuria Japanese-owned machinery and equipment from factories in Mukden and elsewhere.

2. These reports compel my Government to reserve all their rights and to place on record their view that the disposal of Japanese assets is a matter for discussion and settlement between the Allied Nations having claims to Japanese reparations.

3. In the absence of an agreement resulting from such discussion my Government regard it as appropriate that the State in whose territory they are located should retain such assets on a custodian basis, to be debited against that State's eventual share of Japanese reparations. But they cannot acquiesce in the unilateral removal of assets by a third party, nor can they recognise any agreement between individual governments which purports to arrange the final disposal and ownership of Japanese property, rights, interests and assets.

4. The Chinese Government are being informed of this communication.

Yours sincerely,