HC Deb 08 April 1946 vol 421 c1628
38. Mr. Erroll

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will request each of the working parties appointed up to date to make a point of reporting on the question of fuel efficiency in the industries which they are reviewing, and the possibilities of turning over to a greater use of fuel oil in order to avoid the consequences of higher priced coal and coal shortages.

Mr. Belcher

The importance of fuel efficiency is no doubt recognised by working parties and information relating to this subject, supplied by my right hon. Friend, the Minister of Fuel and Power, is available to them. As regards the question of turning over to a greater use of fuel oil, we must await the completion of investigations which are being made by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Fuel and Power.

Mr. Erroll

Will the hon. Gentleman ensure that some reference is made in the report to the need for increasing efficiency in the use of fuel oil?

Mr. Belcher

The working parties have been asked to inquire into the efficient working of these industries in the future, and I have no doubt at all that this is one of the points which will be taken up by them.