HC Deb 04 April 1946 vol 421 cc1371-2
23. Mr. David Eccles

asked the Minister of Health whether he is satisfied that the supply of lead will be adequate for the needs of the housing programme.

Mr. Bevan

There is at present a world shortage of this metal. I hope, however, that the deficiency will be made up, so far as the housing programme is concerned, by the use of suitable alternative materials, and I shall shortly be sending a detailed note dealing with this question to all housing authorities.

Mr. Eccles

Will the right hon. Gentleman impress upon the Minister of Supply that his policy of keeping the United Kingdom price of lead artificially low prevents us from getting our share of the world's supplies, and discourages manufacturers from turning out substitutes like copper, and that this policy is against the interests of the housing programme?

Mr. Bevan

I doubt very much the succession of events as described by the hon. Member. I think we are getting our share of lead, and I must take this opportunity of paying my tribute to the ingeniousness of the Ministry of Supply in finding alternative materials.

Mr. Eccles

How can we be getting our share of lead when the Australian mines are being paid six or seven times the amount we are paying here? The metal, of course, is going to other countries

Mr. Bevan

If the hon. Member will put down his Question to the appropriate Ministry, he will probably get a more specific reply.

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