HC Deb 30 October 1945 vol 415 cc217-8
14. Mr. Henderson Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for War what facilities for leave to this country are offered to Polish troops serving in the Army in Italy and in B.A.O.R., respectively.

Mr. Lawson

There is at present no regular leave to the United Kingdom for Polish troops serving in Italy, but the matter is under consideration.In individual cases special leave has been granted where there are strong compassionate reasons why the men should be allowed to come to the United Kingdom. The Polish Division with B.A.O.R. has been allotted 69 vacancies a day for leave to the United Kingdom. These are granted only to individuals who have been stationed in this country and have wives and families here. This allotment may be exceeded by the addition of compassionate cases of extreme urgency, but this is seldom necessary.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

In view of the heroic achievements of the Polish troops in the war in Italy, and of their many contacts in this country, will the right hon. Gentleman give sympathetic and early consideration to the extension of leave for these troops?

Mr. Lawson

Yes, Sir.

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